Sunday, March 1, 2009

Deadlines Approach

I managed to start and complete a project! I've done a square for Jeanette Shanigan's bead quilts for the past 2 years, and needed to get this year's done. This year the theme is hearts. I managed to take pictures of the process.
I started with the required square of pellon, and some red silk. I decided on a crazy quilt look, and drew a rough pattern. The silk was cut to size, and fray-checked. I sewed the silk to the pellon following the pattern. The next picture is part-way done. I filled the spaces around the heart, leaving the silk in the heart spaces, but continuing the "quilt" lines. I finished with a small fringe with a lt blue fringe bead. It will go in the mail tomorrow. Yeah, something done! I can't seem to get the final picture to straighten out! You'll have to tilt your head.
This is my next deadline. Her working name is Ver de Gris (verdigris). She's for the ReStore's art show - needs to be 75% "waste stream" stuff. Did I mention I need lint? That's what I'm using to stuff her, and I've run out. I still have about 60% of her other leg to stuff, and her hands. One arm still needs to be attached. Her face is roughed in. I have a Tyvek envelope, some excess empty lamination from school, and assorted odds and ends collected for clothing. Anyway, I'm going for copper, new and aged tones. I was thinking of using old Easter grass for hair. I need to have pictures ready in 2 weeks, so I've got to hustle. I'll post the finished pictures, I promise. Needless to say, my BJP is on the back burner for now.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Beautiful hearts... yours and your quilt square! Robin A.