Thursday, April 22, 2010

BJP for Feb, March

I have actually been able to keep up with my BJP pieces so far (grin). It helps that they are fairly tiny! My button for Feb started with a red double spiral with a gold dragon charm sewn on top. I love dragons. I even had a big latex mask of a white dragon head, that I put on an armature and displayed like a trophy head! I kept it until the latex started to deteriorate. If I find another one, I might have to buy it to put in my "studio" (that's such a pipe dream!).

March's button started with a small ceramic orca, that I wanted to have leaping out of the water. I'm using my scrap beads (that's my challenge for the year), and don't have many color choices at the moment, so the water is greens and blacks. I did a small (minuscule) section of Ndebele for the "spray" from the leaping orca. What is up with spell check not knowing "orca"? Calling them "killer whales" is like saying a racial epithet for me!

April's button is started. It has a crab claw that I found at Padilla Bay. The girls and I hung out there one afternoon over Spring Break. The tide was exceptionally low, little brown shells everywhere, and we flew a kite that hung out like a balloon, just followed along whoever was holding it. A few days later there was an explosion at one of the refineries across the bay from there - killed 6 people. (Update - it's now 7) It's horrific to think about what those people went through. I will definitely be using the black beads I have left in my scraps.


Anonymous said...

These are *lovely*, and I so badly want to enlarge the photos to see the details you mention, but they won't get bigger for me. Help!

Gerry Krueger said...

I'm with Barbara...I really wanted a closer look and couldn't enlarge.. Can you repost the picture in a larger size??? They really look interesting and I envy you being able to walk on a beach...

Gerry K...

Robin said...

Love these, Joan! Only thing is, I'm with Gerry... I sooooo want to see the detail, especially the ceramic orca and your Ndebele "spray." Any chance you can provide? I'm with you about "killer whatles" being akin to a racial slur. Very sad about the deaths and injuries due to the explosion... I'm glad you are going to "remember" it on your April button. On the flip side of that, I love walking on the beach with you at low-low tide!

Robin A.